(334) 699-7477 Appointment

Frequently Asked Questions Southern Institute of Plastic Surgery

Below is a list of some frequently asked questions, but please feel free to call our office if you need additional information, (334) 699-7477 . We are always pleased to assist you.

In most states, a licensed physician may perform plastic surgery without being board-certified in plastic surgery. This is why understanding board certification is so important for the person seeking cosmetic surgery. Be sure your surgeon is certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery. There are other boards but they may have a less strict criteria and some only require a fee. The American Board of Plastic Surgery is the only one approved by the American Board of Medical Specialties. This certifies plastic surgeons to perform cosmetic and reconstructive surgery through a long, demanding training process that takes years.

The length of time it takes to recuperate after plastic surgery varies depending on the procedure performed and the person operated on. Most patients will require assistance for the first couple of days following their procedure. Then most patients are able to care for themselves, but may still need assistance if they have small children to care for. The specific lengths of disability are outlined below by procedure. These are approximations, and do not include return to exercise.

  • Eyelid Surgery - Usually can get around independently by the second day. With the use of sunglasses, may feel comfortable going to the store by day 5-7 days, and with makeup could return to work by 2 weeks.
  • Facelift Surgery - Usually can get around independently by the second day. Usually do not feel comfortable going out in public for 5-7 days. Requires at least 2 weeks before returning to work if in the public eye.
  • Breast Surgery - Usually can get around independently by the second day but will have restrictions on lifting, pushing or pulling for 6 weeks. May begin to drive and return to work at 3-7 days if not required to lift, push or pull.
  • Liposuction - Usually can get around independently by the second day, earlier if smaller number of areas treated. One can return to work with limitations in 5-7 days.
  • Abdominoplasty - Patients may take between 2-4 days before getting around independently. Patients will have drain tubes for a period of time following surgery and may return to a desk-type job 1 week after drain is removed. Drains are usually in place 1 - 2 weeks but may vary depending on the individual. No lifting, pushing, or pulling for 6 weeks after surgery.

The time a patient resumes regular exercises varies based on the operation performed. All patients are encouraged to start a slow, short walking routine on the second postoperative day. Regular aerobic, weight lifting and more vigorous activities are not allowed during the first 6 weeks for most procedures in order to decrease the risks of bleeding, swelling, and bruising.

You should be close to your ideal weight before undergoing body contouring or breast enhancement surgery. Why? Because women who lose or gain a significant amount of weight after cosmetic surgery sometimes alter the results in an unpredictable way.

Each patient will tolerate pain post-operatively in a different way, and we consider this. While some patients may describe the pain as an ache, others experience greater discomfort. Appropriate pain medications are prescribed for the post-operative patients, and these help minimize discomfort.

Implants are silicone shells filled with either saline (salt water) or silicone gel (approved by the FDA). They are placed behind each breast, underneath either breast tissue or the chest wall muscle.

Through much research and numerous studies conducted, the FDA has determined that silicone gel-filled implants are safe and effective. The data was gathered from patients receiving primary and revisional breast augmentation. The findings of this study were instrumental in the FDA's final approval of silicone gel breast implants on Friday, November 17, 2006.

Many women with breast implants successfully breastfeed their babies. If you are considering pregnancy post-surgery you should let your surgeon know.

These activities will not hurt the breast implants in any way. However you should protect the entire breast from sun or tanning bed exposure for 3 months after surgery. If exposed during the first 3 months after surgery, please cover the entire skin of the breasts with sunscreen of 30 SPF or higher. Also additionally, cover with clothing or towel. There have been reports of significant skin burns to the breasts from the sun or tanning bed exposure the first 90 days after breast augmentation. To help minimize scarring do not expose the incision sites to UV rays for one year after surgery. If you must expose your breasts to the sun or tanning bed in the first year, cover them with sunscreen of 30 SPF or higher AND cover the scars with Band-Aids, bath cloth or clothing.

Start your journey at the Southern Institute of Plastic Surgery.

Ready to make a change for the better? We’d love to guide you on your journey to your best self. Our services for the face and body are thoughtfully curated based on years of expertise and experience. Dr. Walding, Dr. Asher, and our team of medical staff and aesthetic experts will support every facet of your care and ensure you are informed about your options so you can make a change that makes you feel as good as you look.

3400 Ross Clark Circle, Dothan, AL 36303

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